Saturday, 7 February 2009

Bit of a snow and life stops

Ohmy, almost a whole month passed since we last wrote anything. Time really flies when you are having fun, doesn't it?

Fun? Is this your definition of fun. Holy moly. I would better go off and find another friend who at least drinks sometimes.

I do drink! Remember that lovely pear cider Eili bought? I've got some of that and it is the best alcoholic drink I've ever had.

Sure. 4,5% and you got drunk and fall asleep just after half-a-bottle.

We went to the sea too, that was fun!

It was fcking cold, windy and half deserted. I got no idea what Eili likes so much about the sea. It's just a big tank of salty water. I like Ark better anyway, he likes coffee and warmth.

Yup, Ark has arrived too last Friday, it was such a day!

Hahaha, yeah, we have seen them running to catch the bus. The Victoria station in London is big indeed, but how couldn't they find each other. That was comical how she was running up and down totally panicking there.

She was tired, so was he. He was fighting with the stupid German flat owners and she was helping to her friend with the financials for two days before that. Leave them alone, ok?

Whoa, look at that, what happened with Lina, she's totally frustrated. Hasn't got enough cake?

Sssh, she's panicing about the car!

Heh, I can believe that. They've got a car and she will drive it, that's enough for everyone to panic. Just for your information: no way I'm sitting in that car when it's moving. Absolutely no way.

Not even if we go around to explore, instead of sitting in the window all day?

Forget it. Prefer watching the snowfall sitting in the wet, cold window than risking my life in that car.